Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Solar Speaks: A chance to socialize and change the world through solar at SPI

August 25, 2015 Kathie Zipp
Solar Power International offers events specifically for women each year. Perhaps one of the longest running is a panel discussion and reception put on by the Professional Women in Solar Group.

Isabelle Christensen founded the group organically about 10 years ago in an effort to meet other women when she first joined the industry. “I could basically count the number of women in solar on both of my hands,” she said. “That’s how few we were back then.” They met over breakfast and continued to gather unofficially at SPI until the group became larger and was able to organize an official event at the show about five years ago.
Christensen expressed her gratitude to SEPA CEO Julia Hamm for being an early supporter of the group and volunteers from Solar Energy Tradeshows (SEIA and SEPA’s management company) for making the event possible
Christensen worked in social media marketing for a high-tech company about the time Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger developed his Million Solar Roofs Program in California. She recalled attending some of the earlier SPI shows which were much smaller. “All the exhibitors had table tops instead of the big booths you see at SPI now,” she said. “There I met the CEO of a solar installation company who offered me a position by asking if I’d be interested in changing the world.” She accepted.
Through the last decade Christensen has experienced the ups and downs of the solar market first hand. She watched the installation company grow successful and then go bankrupt. She then worked for a module manufacturer until it went out of business, then another and another. “It was a roller coaster, but I refused to give up,” she said. She now works for a European module manufacturer where she said she is excited to experience stability—not only in the company but in the solar industry.

Christensen’s involvement with Professional Women in Solar also remained stable through her solar career. Now in its ninth year, the group has grown, along with the number of women in the solar industry (from tens to thousands). But the group remains a grassroots organization totally supported by volunteers, and Christensen said it’s designed to stay that way. “Other women’s groups have been formed and also hold events, which is excellent,” she said. “Our focus has always been to provide more of a social gathering for women rather than an organized membership group where we have to solicit sponsorships and funding—that’s not what we do. We provide a social platform for people to form partnerships outside of their companies.”
For example, outside of her day job, Christensen runs nonprofit Green Ocean Ventures. The group helps finance female entrepreneurs starting solar businesses in developing countries like Tanzania and Afghanistan. She said many volunteers from Professional Women in Solar have participated in the nonprofit.
As the group has grown, so too have the discussions. Christensen said in the past they’ve had California Congresswoman Maxine Waters speak about fighting for women’s rights, and companies discuss their leadership training programs for women. This year’s focus will be on how women are contributing to the global solar industry. The panel will include Leslie Labruto of the Clinton Foundation.
“This event is a great venue for women to expand their network, not just professionally but also in terms of social contribution and how to give back,” Christensen said. “They can find similar people who want to change the world through solar, not just in U.S. but globally. Solar has given me so much professional and personal fulfillment, and this is a great way to give back and encourage other women to join the industry all over the world.”

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